Author Archives: DJ
Of Stinky Cheeses
So… being a boy who’s spent many a year in America’s Dairyland, Wisconsin (because as much as California wants to claim that title, they’ll have to start making better cheeses for a start), I have long been a fan of … Continue reading
Too Much Wine
Yes, I’ll be the first to admit: sometimes this blog is as far from profound as Richard Dawkins is from a church potluck dinner. To wit, here are some completely unrelated and mostly stupid brain excretions…
White Light/Black Rain
(The following was written after watching the excellent documentary, “White Light/Black Rain”, on HBO — detailing the aftermath of the bombing by the United States of the Japanese cities Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.) I understand the stoicism of the … Continue reading
Top Ten Random Band Names
Yes, I was on one of those silly name-generator websites while I was supposed to be working today… but that’s the nice thing about working as a writer/producer — I can always say I was only trying to jump-start my … Continue reading
Trapped in the Amber of the Moment
Reflecting on the death of Kurt Vonnegut I need to thank my older brothers, who turned me on to the unusual, maddeningly outrageous and ultimately mind-opening writings of people like Robert Heinlein and Kurt Vonnegut. It’s odd to consider that … Continue reading
Useless Media Musings
Some things I discovered this week, by surfing the channels, and surfing the web: While Minnie Driver may not have completely mastered her American accent, she and Eddie Izzard are absolutely terrific in their new FX series, The Riches.
Eat This, LA!
Periodic Posts on Particular Prandial Pleasures Mayura Style: Southern Indian (Kerala) Location: Culver City, on the corner of Venice Blvd. & Motor Ave. Website:
Hooray For Bollywood
Here’s my latest dirty little secret: I have become a huge fan of Bollywood musicals. I’m not sure when it happened, or if it was instantaneous, but I’m hooked.
The Abyss Gazes Back
The Nietzsche Family Circus Just had to share this — I was turned on to this page a few weeks ago… and I don’t know the guy who first thought about putting these two disparate elements together, but I’ve gotta … Continue reading
Fighting For Peace is like Screwing For Virginity
A Belated Tribute to George Carlin It’s been nearly a week since I heard about Carlin’s death. I haven’t written about it partly because I just needed some time to digest the disappearance of someone who was one of the … Continue reading →